Promo Dog, Inc. Artwork Specifications
Your products will always look better if you send us high quality files to work with. Art from the web is not likely to be useable although web art might serve as a useful reference if you want us to design for you. We respect copyright laws so keep in mind that we will not reproduce art you don’t own rights to produce.
We use the following programs:
Illustrator® Photoshop®
We accept the following:
Mac Formatted Flash drive ï€les, email attachments, YouSendIt files, DropBox
Any files created in other programs not listed (Freehand®, CorelDraw®, etc.) should be exported or saved as an EPS or AI files.
Please send EPS, Tiff or JPEG formatted files at 300 ppi at 100 percent (or larger) of the size you want produced, or as vector art so that it can be scaled.
All fonts in all programs must be outlined.
Spot colors should have Pantone® assignments.
Artwork submitted in Photoshop® needs to be in a layers if it includes typed copy. Artwork submitted in InDesign® or Quark® should include all placed and imported images as additional separate files.
Artwork by way of E-mail:
If you send artwork by way of e-mail, please copy your Promo Dog, Inc. Project Coordinator. That way we can look for it and download it expeditiously since the entire creative team will know to look for it. For files larger than 10MB, please contact our art staff or your Project Coordinator to get file transfer info from us. If possible, please compress these files using Stufï€t Deluxe® for Macintosh or Winzip® for Windows. This will decrease the download time and allow us to process your order more quickly.
We cannot be certain that your artwork is usable until it is checked by our art coordinator. If it is not the appropriate type or quality, we will contact you to discuss options.
What is vector art?
Vector art is imagery created using an object oriented graphic illustration program. This art is based on mathematical formulas rather than on pixels so it is scalable and of high resolution regardless of dimensions. Vector art production quality is only limited by the output device, not by the ï€le. By contrast rasterized or bit-mapped art is made up of discreet chunks or bits of information and if resolution is low, the chunks create noticeably choppy, messy edges to all the shapes in the imagery.
If my imagery come from the web can I use that for production?
That’s really more than one question. The first part of this is ethical. Do you own the art? You can’t just grab somebody else’s creation and reuse it. It is however fair to be inspired by cool things and try to ï€gure out what it is about the thing you see that really speaks to you. Maybe we could help you design something that makes you feel the same way.
The second part of this question is technical. The answer is: Sometimes Yes but most of the time No. Let’s say we are using your logo and you ask us to grab it from your website. If the logo is part of a page it’s likely 72 ppi - way too low quality and likely too small (separate ideas) for practical print use. Since we want 300 ppi resolution artwork, if your logo is 1 inch square at 72 ppi to become 300 ppi it has to be about 4 times smaller so that the effective resolution is packed densely enough to become 300 ppi.
The sometimes Yes answer depends upon if the ï€le has purposely been placed at high resolution but this isn’t common because it slows down browsing speed.
Well, then how about I open it in Photoshop and type in new resolution numbers?
Can’t do - sorry. That doesn’t change the art quality it just makes the file bigger. You do that and you just have a larger low quality ï€le. A high quality ï€le will have more pixels packed tightly describing details. If the details aren’t there and you make the file larger it is just easier to see that the details aren’t there.